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Numnuts is Good for Business – One Sheep Producer’s Views  

A Tasmanian producer of poll merinos shares his experiences

No matter how much we tell the world about Numnuts, our word can never compete with that of the people who really matter: the sheep producers who use our device to mark their lambs.

Sheep producers Rae and Lindsay Young farm 7,000 fine wool merinos between Campbell Town and Ross in the middle of Tasmania, and mark 3,000 lambs a year.

As one of Numnuts’ early adopters, Lindsay has always been vocal in his support of our device. In fact, he says that using it has helped his business gain the Responsible Wool Standard accreditation.

The difference Numnuts has made to the business

Lindsay also believes improved lamb welfare will benefit the Australian wool industry in future years.

He explains how his business has already benefited through an export deal with an elite European manufacturer.

“It’s wonderful to have that partnership and to know exactly where our wool is going, to someone who appreciates what we’re doing on the farm as much as we do,” he says.

That’s not all, for Lindsay also tells us:

  • Why using Numnuts means “a lot less stress for the lamb, and a lot less stress for us as well”.
  • How Numnuts has impacted on the lamb marking process.
  • The changes in lamb behaviour that he’s witnessed first hand.

We’d love to know what you think!

This video is the perfect coffee time view at 5:40.

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